Place: European Youth center Budapest, Hungary
Dates: 12th of June 17 of June (arrival day11,departure day 18)
Participants: 35
Costs: 50 EUR participation fee. Travel, food and accommodation is covered.
Working language: English
Application deadline: 15th of April
The No Hate Speech Movement was fighting against hate speech and promoting human rights through Human Rights Education. The No Hate Speech Network, as an organisation built on the legacy of the campaign by the different actors of the campaign, also aims to use Human Rights Education for promoting human rights and fighting against hate speech in online and offline environments.
With this study session we aim to close the gap and equip youth activists against hate speech with the knowledge,understanding and skills to be able to be activists and contribute towards shaping Artificial intelligence awareness and policy.
The No Hate Speech Movement, through its 5 year mandate, focused on responding to hate speech and promoting human rights through Human Rights Education. The No Hate Speech Network, builds on the legacy of the campaign, its stakeholders and activists, and works through Human Rights Education to promote human rights and fight against hate speech online and offline. The purpose and objectives of the Network directly serve the priorities of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and study session. For the No Hate Speech Network it is fundamental that different generations of stakeholders of the movement and the network can participate in educational activities and develop the competencies needed to have a human rights-based approach when responding to human rights online and offline. The study session will empower youth workers and youth activists representing different youth organizations to respond to hate speech, nationalism and intolerance through human rights education. The idea of the study session itself will effectively contribute to the priorities of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe as it will bring Human Rights Education to even more young people and support them in using HRE as an approach for responding to hate speech, nationalism and intolerance.
The study session will build on the work of the Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) specifically on “Possible elements of a legal framework on artificial intelligence based on the Council of Europe’s standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law.”
This study session supports several of the Council of Europe’s programme priorities by gathering activists, partners and human rights educators involved or wishing to be involved in the No Hate Speech Movement. The resources developed by the Youth Department and the No Hate Speech Movement, our experiences on Counter and Alternative Narratives and Human Rights Education – we can change heads, hearts and hands and create our own alternative narrative built on Human Rights, equality, diversity and inclusion.
We look forward to give activists against hate speech a better understanding of the workings and impact of artificial intelligence and by supporting youth
participation in processes of Internet governance and development of artificial intelligence.
The aim of the activity is to empower youth workers and youth activists to challenge hate speech, nationalism and intolerance through human rights education values and approaches.
- To contribute to the development of youth workers’ and youth activists’ understanding of the current technology of Artificial intelligence and data systems from a simplified technical perspective
- Introduction to artificial intelligence, algorithmic decision making and its impact on equality and non-discrimination
- To understand the current european and global policy landscape for artificial intelligence and data systems
- To develop policy recommendations and input from a youth and hate speech perspective for artificial intelligence civil society groups and institutions.
- To enable youth activists to share and raise awareness in their organisations regarding Artificial intelligence and data systems and its impact on youth future, activism and hate speech
- To contribute to the capacity development of the No Hate Speech Network;
- To contribute to the Human Rights Education strategic aim and objectives of the No Hate Speech Network.
The Study Session seek participants that are:
- Youth workers, youth activists, human rights educators
- Between 18 and 30 years of age (with space for some exception)
- Resident in one of the European Cultural Convention signatory countries (we also welcome the participants from the following countries not signatory to the European cultural convention but who had an active NHSM campaign, namely: Kosovo, Tunisia, Morocco, Mexico and Canada).
- Able to communicate in English
- Have knowledge in hate speech (artificial intelligence and media literacy would be a plus).
- The participants will be selected based on their motivation and the relevance of their contributions to the aims, objectives and output of the study session.
- Ready for further engagement in the No Hate Speech Network and human rights education
- Follow up activities are required and are going to be prepared during the study session, with the help of the preparatory team.
The No Hate Speech Network welcomes applications from all candidates who fulfill the specific profile of the study session, irrespective of gender, racial origin, colour, language, religion, political or other views, national or social origin, belonging to national minorities or any other status.
Travel expenses
Travel expenses and visa fees for accessing Budapest will be reimbursed according to the rules of the Council of Europe. Only the participants who attend the entire study session can be reimbursed.
Board and lodging for the residential training course will be provided and paid for by the Council of Europe at the European Youth Centre in Budapest.
. The European Youth Centres are accessible to people with disabilities and can take measures to accommodate for any specific needs of participants in this respect. Please provide all the necessary information in your application form.
Enrolment fee
An enrolment fee of 50 Euros is payable by each participant. This amount will be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed for travel expenses or paid at the EYCB during the residential seminar.
Working languages
English will be the working language of the study session. Participants are expected to be able to express themselves autonomously in English.
COVID-19 protocol
A special COVID protocol will be shared with participants upon selection. This includes rules and recommendations for a safe stay in the European Youth Centre Budapest. All participants are expected to follow this protocol during the training course.
If you have any questions please contact
Best wishes,
Samanta Haka, Joao Bras, Zaineb Tassa, Francisco Tenorio, Martin Fischer, Ibrahim Kraria
Preparatory team of the Study Session of the No Hate Speech Network.