Call for General Assembly 2024

Dear members of the No Hate Speech Network,

The General Assembly of the No Hate Speech Network will take place ONLINE on the 19th of March 2024 from 17:00 to 20:00 CET. Please take note of the extended deadline for running for board member on 25 February 2024 due too fewer applications than positions.

Final agenda

The meeting has three parts. First is constitutions, second is GA documents and third is workshop.

Part 1 – Constituting the meeting
01.24 Welcome and how to participate
02.24 Member roll call
03.24 Acceptance of members
04.24 Approval of call, agenda and minute taker

Part 2 – General Assembly documents
05.24 Annual report 2023
06.24 Financial report 2023
07.24 Membership fees 2024
08.24 Budget 2024
09.24 Statutes (if any changes proposed)

Part 3 – Elections
10.24 Election of board members for 2024-2025

Voting rights

Voting rights at the meeting are limited to members who have paid their membership fee. Information on how to register as a member and pay membership fee will be sent by email well in advance of the General Assembly. You may also renew your existing membership here.


It has now been two years since the last elections. The statutes article 17 states: The Board shall be elected by the General Assembly every second year. The members of the Board can be re-elected for the next period of 2 years under the condition that they can carry their function only in 2 consecutive periods.

The board is responsible for managing the work of the NHSN, representing the political positions and proposals of the NHSN. It executes the network’s activities and is the main decision-making body between the General Assemblies. The board has a fiduciary duty and must at all times act in the best interest of the NHSN, setting aside any personal benefits or matters that could give rise to a conflict of interest.

The board consists of 7 people with a possibility to co-opt two young people. 

We encourage anyone who is committed to the aims and objectives of the network to apply, regardless of background and identity.

The NHSN aims to prevent and counter hate speech by mobilising and connecting individuals and organisations to act in support of human rights and democracy online and offline. It empowers young people and relevant stakeholders to think critically, act against hate speech and provide support to people targeted. It works through human rights education, awareness-raising, advocacy actions and any other means necessary in accordance with the core values and mission. 

The extended deadline for running for elections is the 25th of February (extended from 20 February due to less applicants than positions).

Registration deadline

Deadline for registering and applying for membership is 5th of March

Motion submission deadline

Motions and other items for the agenda have to be sent to the board by the 6th of February, 6 weeks before the General Assembly. A second call with all proposals will be sent out on Wednesday the 27th of February the latest, 2 weeks before the General Assembly.

Please send any motions to, the motion should contain:

  1. Who are proposing the motion
  2. What document is affected (if relevant)
  3. Line number and article (if applicable)
  4. What is the existing text
  5. What is the new text proposal 
  6. What is the reasoning behind the proposed motion (why are you proposing it)


This call is in accordance with the statutes Article 14 that states: The General Assembly meetings will be announced in a written document indicating the location, day and time of the meeting as well as the agenda. There shall be a deadline of at least 12 weeks between the announcement and the designated day of the General Assembly meeting at its first call.

No Hatefully yours

Alessandra, Eirik, Gubaz, Ibrahim, Luis, Mariam and Neringa.

The Board