Dear stakeholder of the No Hate Speech network,
This is a call to select a preparatory team for the Study Session of No Hate Speech network: Activist for change: Standing up for human rights and democracy, dates: 14-20 April 2024 (travel dates excluded, and prep-team is expected to arrive on 13th of April).
Deadline for applications is by the 15th of December 2023 (18:00 Central European Time).

About the preparatory team
The preparatory team will consist of a team of 5 facilitators reflecting the diversity of stakeholders of the No Hate Speech Network. As well as a Course Director and an Educational Advisor from the Youth Department. The 4 facilitators will be selected through this call.
A preparatory meeting will take place in the second half of January 2024 in the European Youth Centre Strasbourg (provisionally 29-30 January 2024, but needs to be confirmed). Applicants must be available for the prep team meeting, the full duration of the Study Session, as well as for preparatory (a day before) and evaluation (last day) activities before and after the Study Session.
Activities of the preparatory team will involve designing, facilitating, evaluating and reporting from sessions, selection of participants, writing call, information pack, finalising outputs and follow-up and communication through mail.
About the study session
The study session will take place from 14th to 20th of April 2024, at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg. There will be 40 participants from the No Hate Speech Network including the prep team.
This study session aims to empower young human rights activists to challenge hate speech and promote democracy and human rights through human rights education based values and approaches.
The objectives are:
- To contribute to the development of youth activists’ understanding of human rights education by learning about, through and for human rights;
- To develop the competences of young activists to challenge hate speech and stand up for democracy and human rights;
- To develop the competences of young activists to use Human Rights Education methodology and resources, such as Bookmarks, We CAN, Compass, Compasito, etc;
- To develop and implement activist based actions, action plans and content promoting human rights democracy;
- To support the process of partnership building between young activists from different countries and contexts, and to encourage networking and develop a community of activist;
- To contribute to the capacity development of the No Hate Speech Network members and target group (youth);
- To contribute to the strategic aims and goals of the No Hate Speech Network.
*To the interested candidates: Please keep in mind that the study session is organised by the No Hate Speech Network and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and the YD is covering all the related expenses needed for organisation of the activity. Unfortunately, the position of the prep-team member is not remunerated, therefore we are grateful to all the interested candidates who wish to support the activity on a voluntary basis.
Please see the full application for the study session for more detailed information:
Any questions may be directed to
On behalf of the No Hate Speech Network.