Why this educational activity?

There is a demand for organizing a series of online educational activities for human rights activist-educators about hate speech, on how to address it for various target groups through activism and human rights education.

The aim of the educational activity is to help an activist-educator to get a comprehensive understanding of hate speech and to learn what is the approach of an educator in teaching others.

The online educational meetings are going to inform about different forms and variations of hate speech and will equip needed skills, knowledge, and attitude relevant to the work of the human rights activist-educator.

The main objectives are:to train activists-educators with theoretical and practical online education and awareness rising approach-based meetings about hate speech help participants to learn how to address the causes of hate speeches by analyzing legal existing mobilize motivated educators over the human rights education unconditionally

We believe that the role of the activist-educator is crucial and the way the subject is introduced is as important as what is introduced. One of the key messages of the educational activity is to teach young people to stand for human rights unconditionally.

What will you gain?
?A certificate of participation, of course
?Possibility to join the community of the NHSN
?Possibility to participate in the future activities of the NHSN
?Good friends and like-minded colleagues as you are!

?‍♀️ Do you still think that it is better to spend the rest of the summer without being involved in such an exclusive initiative? Are you prioritizing any other things than sitting in front of Zoom, just because in the past year you did it a loooot and you are absolutely tired of it?!

?‍♂️?‍♀️Hold on! It’s a great opportunity only for those people who prioritize human rights above all and who want to work in the field of human rights education unconditionally.If it is about you, follow us to apply! ?…/19XmtHSa5Vc-bcKR0u9…/edit

If it is not about you ? then pass the information to the one who is the right person to be aware of this great possibility!

The deadline for receiving the application forms is 29/07/2021. You will get the selection results on 31/07/2021.?#nohatespeech?#HumanRightsEducation?#humanrights?#AcademyofActivists2021

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