Call: Brussels Reunion 2024

Do you wish to shape the future of the No Hate Speech Network? At the 2nd network meeting in Brussels we gather 25 new activists and stakeholders to work together on planning future activities and actions.

Dates14-16 March 2024
arrivals before 15.00 / departures after 15.00
PlaceBrussels, Belgium
Application DeadlineSunday 4 February
CostsPartial reimbursement of costs for travel, accommodation and food according to the rules of the European Parliament visitors program.
Participants25 in total
NB! Unfortunately only be people who did not attend the reunion in November can attend. Next opportunity will be the Study Session 14-20 April (call coming).


From the 2023 reunion in Brussels Working Groups were established that took the lead in bringing activity and progress to the Network. Inspired by our activist we want to repeat the success and continue our work. Apart from getting to know each other we will divide into Working Groups and take our plans to the next step. An EU wide parlamentary campaign against hate speech? A network of national coordinators? Everything is possible when we bring together stakeholder from a broad variety of countries.

The meeting is sponsored by a sponsored visit to the European Parliament and MEP Samira Rafaela who have made tackling hate speech one of her political priorities. There is partial reimbursement of costs for EU member and EU candidate countries. The meeting takes place only a few days before our online General Assembly, don’t forget to register or even apply for the board!


Work together to strengthen the No Hate Speech Network and develop future actions and projects.


  • Develop activities based on the network strategy
  • Explore how to develop the community of activists and members
  • Include and engage members and activists in the operation of the network through working groups
  • Strengthen the community of the No Hate Speech Network
  • Learn about the European Parliament work on hate speech

Participant profile

  • Is either
    • A member of the No Hate Speech Network, 
    • Have attended one of the Network activities
    • Was a part of the No Hate Speech Movement
    • Wish to become a member and involved and active in the Network
  • Have not attended a previous Brussels reunion
  • Have some experience with working against hate speech and/or for human rights
  • Is coming from an an EU Member State, a candidate country or a former EU Member State (if you need reimbursement / your costs covered)


Travel and accommodation is funded by the visitors program of the European Parliament. In order to get reimbursement participants must:

  • Attend the full visit to the European Parliament including a meeting with Samira RAFAELA and bring a valid ID to the visit.
  • Submit valid receipts for travel and food costs and a reimbursement form within a week after the visit, the latest.
  • Be resident in an EU Member State, a candidate country or a former EU Member State.

What will happen at the meeting?

We will spend some time catching up and getting to know each other. Then we will divide into working groups where most of the meeting time will be spent, while sharing the results of the working groups with each other for feedback and acknowledgement. In the evening we will have a social program. A meeting with Samira RAFAELA, a Dutch Member of the European Parliament takes place as an obligatory part of the program on Friday.

Thursday 14 MarchFriday 15 MarchSaturday 16 march
Arrivals during the day

15.00 Meet up and get to know each other
16.00 Meeting rationale and agenda,
where are we now and where are we going?
16.30 Working groups part 1

19.00 Dinner
20.00 Social time
09.00 Breakfast
10.00 Departures from the hotel
10.30 Visit to the European Parliament (obligatory)

13.30 Lunch
15.00 Working groups part 2
18.00 Summary of the day

18.30 Dinner
20.00 Social time
08.30 Breakfast
09.00 Sum up and next steps

10.30 Check-out and continuing meeting at local venue

12.30 Lunch
13.30 Working groups individual work

15.00 Departures

Accommodation and meeting space

We will be accommodated in a shared appartment over four floors close to Midi train station. This will also be the venue of our meeting, except for the visit to the European Parliament Friday before lunch. The flat includes amongst others a gaming room, jacuzzi and sauna.

What do we cover?

The trip is funded by the European Parliament, which calculates a travel reimbursement of €0.09 x 2 per km of the most direct road journey between the respective private addresses of the participants on the basis of the average travel distance for all participants. Only economy class is reimbursed.

They also cover expenses for simple accommodation and a small daily subsistence allowance to cover food costs and local transport, with a maximum of 110 EUR per person.

Depending on the final costs for accommodation (we are searching for affordable options) we likely can reimburse between 30-50 EUR for food and local transport in Brussels for the duration of the program.

Read more about the type of costs that can be covered.

Reimbursement example:
Travel from Vienna to Brussels 1229 km x 0,09 x 2 x 10%224 EUR
Daily subsistence allowance110 EUR
Accommodation arranged by the network 70 EUR
Remaining food expenses covered upon submitting receipts 40 EUR
Total costs reimbursed264 EUR
Reimbursement is made upon actual costs and receipts need to be submitted. The European Parliament make their own distance calculation, this is only an example. Using google maps gives an estimate. Last Brussels reunion we were able to reimburse all travel costs and 70EUR for food costs. Choosing affordable travel options makes full reimbursement more likely.

What do we not cover?

Travel, food and other costs above the mentioned limit will be at your own expense.

Participants that are not resident in an EU Member State, a candidate country or a former EU Member State. Only exceptionally a small travel reimbursement (about 40 EUR) can be made for residents in neigbouring countries.

If you have any questions, please do contact us.