General Assembly 2025

Welcome to the sixth General Assembly of the No Hate Speech Network taking place ONLINE on Thursday the 24th of April from 17:00 to 20:00 CET.

Please be aware that you should apply for membership by the 17th of April [one week before] and pay your membership fee by the 23rd of April [one day before] to attend the General Assembly. You apply for membership here.


The General Assembly is the yearly statutory meeting of the No Hate Speech Network where the main decisions of the network is being made. Changes to document such as statutes, policy papers, internal regulations, action and strategic plans are being made. All members who have paid their membership fee has voing rights at the general assembly.


Motions and proposals

Motions and other items for the agenda had to be sent to the board by the 13th of March [six weeks].


Documents for the General Assembly

A second call with all proposals will be sent out by the 3rd of April, 3 weeks before the General Assembly.


Membership fees

The board proposes membership fees for the General Assembly each year. Membership fees are an important income for the network to cover basic costs that can not be covered by project grants. 


Voting rights

Voting rights at the meeting is limited to members who have paid their membership fee. Information on how to register as a member and pay membership fee will be sent by email well in advance of the General Assembly. 


April 24th, 2025 from  5:00 PM to  8:00 PM